open air studio
53.4 °. Sun. Thirteen eggs found April 20: eight in Coop LeWitt North, five in South. Eleven the day before: six in North, five in South. Six gathered the day before that in Coop LeWitt North. Ten on April 17: eight in North, two in South. Seven eggs the day before: five in Coop LeWitt North, two on the ground just below South. Thirteen the day before that: eight in North, five on the ground just below South.

I observed the first Earth Day – April 22, 1970 – in Fairmont Park Philadelphia: gatherings around the country marked the beginning of the modern environmental movement. This years focus is plastic pollution. Six Odocoileus virginianus (white-tail deer) appear for feed each sunrise... a little later three more. The Ardea alba (Great Egret), maybe same pictured three days ago, flies from the Quercus alba (White Oak tree) overlooking the fish pond. Overhead Buteo jamaicensis (Red-taied hawk) gliding, hunting.

from Twitter Property Casualty 360: Insurance giant Nationwide reported a 15% jump in #EPLI from fall 2016 to September 2017, which coincides with the #sexualharassment scandals that ousted Roger Ailes and Bill O’Reilly from Fox News.

from Daily Beast: ‘ER’ Star Anthony Edwards: My Sexual Abuse Isn’t a ‘Tragedy’. 

from Instagram notsurprised2018: Work by women artists makes up only 3-5% of major permament collections in U.S. and Europe. 

from the Guardian: Plastic is literally everywhere': the epidemic attacking Australia's oceans. Scientists accidentally create mutant enzyme that eats plastic bottles. The breakthrough, spurred by the discovery of plastic-eating bugs at a Japanese dump, could help solve the global plastic pollution crisis. The real Chicken Run: how half a million hens were saved from slaughter. A British group rehomes 50,000 chickens a year and gives them a new life with families across the country. Americans waste 150,000 tons of food each day – equal to a pound per person. Research shows people with healthy diets rich in fruit and vegetables are the most wasteful and calls for better education for consumers. Island of no return: Vanuatu evacuates entire population of volcanic Ambae.

from NYTimes: Sea Turtles Use Magnetic Fields to Find Their Birthplace Beach. Trillions Upon Trillions of Viruses Fall From the Sky Each Day.

from HuffPost: The Great Barrier Reef Has Been Forever Changed By Global Warming, Scientists Warn Rising temperatures in 2016 caused a catastrophic die-off of almost 30 percent of the iconic reef. Congress Still Hasn’t Dealt With Its Sexual Harassment Problem. 

from Smithsonian: Preserving Coral Reefs.

from earthsky: Underwater noise pollution stresses aquatic animals. March 2018 in top 6 warmest on record. 

from NOAA: Assessing the Global Climate in March 2018March was fifth warmest on record for the globe

from National Geographic: Cuttlefish Look Like Squid—and Like Crabs, and Like Algae, and Like Rocks.

from Intercept: Denial by a different name.

The length of visible light 14h 33m. The length of day 13h 35m. Tomorrow will be 2m29s longer.
Sunday, April 22, 2018 at 10:55 AM