
Installation view: "Response to Place" ,

Andy Grundberg, curator, Corcoran Gallery of Art , Washington, D.C

(left to right)

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Island of Komodo, Selat Linta, Komodo National Park, Indonesia

Color Pigment Prints. 18' x 5'. Six Panels, each in the proportion of a Golden Rectangle, 58" x 36"

Island of Rinja, Teluk Lehokuwadadasami, Komodo National Park, Indonesia

Color Pigment Prints. 15' x 5'. FIve Panels, each in the proportion of a Golden Rectangle, 58" x 36"

Selat Flores, Indonesia

Color Pigment Prints. 20' x 5'. Five Panels, each in the proportion of a Golden Rectangle, 30" x 48"

Within a Golden Rectangle: Chalk, the ground remains of dead Coral

36 Cardboard Boxes filled with chalk, (each) in the proportion of a Golden Rectangle

Panorama Still, 360 deg