June 21, 2007

I am wondering if
, or any of you who have reacted negatively to the idea of Shinnecock and Cleo breeding; Cleo setting on her eggs instead of incubation; have observed Cleo setting; the hatching; or the now almost one week old chicks etc...on the web cam at all?

If comments such as
’s about "mongrel chicks" comes from direct observation?
Given some very unnecessarily curt and rude responses (such as the recent one by
above) an obvious question to pose in response to the discussion of "purebred" would be to ask: which of you are? Words transmitted across miles and even time zones are one thing: your taking self portraits with your children; your show birds; reading the book you refer to as Standards of Breed would be the real thing. I have had the privilege of knowing and living with many "animals" since I was born - and found each inspiring. Beginning with a dog; rabbits; cats; fish; parrots; crickets; lizards; crabs; frogs - even lucky enough to travel to Komodo National Park in Indonesia and observe a Komodo Dragon up close; watch water buffalo and monkeys scampering across rain forests. The tribal peoples of that area believe that humans live amongst animals, in a place where sky and land come together. Even though the dragons are carnivorous, the Komodo people believe they were born from the same mother and do not kill them. Very interesting juxtaposition with our culture which heralds dragon slaying; and humans controlling animals and nature.

The part that chickens play is that they are stereotyped in characters such as "chicken little"....when all of you know that is not true. And that was one of the points to be made by watching Cleo. As did not anticipate what you were most interested in, where the discussion has gone as it is not that different as one heard nationally about the direction of this country, building fences to keep "others" out.



Padovana Tolbunt Hen Fr_ida with chicks august 28 (born august 25) and roosting in tree, September 10, pullets Janelle, Dot; cock Jan

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